Friday, July 30, 2010

Welcome to the Club!

When I was a child I used to pretend I had a normal family. I used to think I was the only one born into a defective unit. Not long ago I realized I was just like every other person in the world. I also found out that every family has its secrets, and some times.... dirty ones. Many times people come to me to tell me about their crazy ass parents, or their rebel irresponsible kids, or whatever they want to share with me, thinking I will be shocked or surprised. Believe takes a lot to shock me. The things that happened in my family were so unconventional, that when I begin telling my friends some passages, many of them tell me I should write a book. I think to myself, "Hell, No! That will take me years to finish!!!" But then I thought.. there are so many crazy things that happened in my life, that maybe i should write about it! Plus, I might also be helping some people who are also part of a crazy ass family but are ashamed to let anyone know.

If you have a crazy family too... welcome to the club! Let's explore this wonderful gift of God, and find the laughter among the tears, okay?

So..... see you soon!
Love, always...